Wednesday, September 24, 2008

K, i just had to vent about how petty some people are in our community! Don't get me wrong I love were i live! Some people that live in this area, need to get a life. Along with that so do their kids! They also need to put on some clothes that cover themselves! Her kids are going to have someone knocked up by the time they are sixteen! ( not that i have room to talk on that subject, i at least made it to 19) Also the people that follow others and don't have a back bone or can't let their kids do something without another kid holding there hand! Have they ever heard of teaching their kids to be independent? What happened to kids that want to be a leader not a follower? I just wanted to vent about how pathetic some people are and i feel better now!


Jona and Gloria + 1 said...

I am with you 100% on that!.... WOW you let that one out... hehe...
Miss ya tons!!!!
The Brownie

Marci said...

Welcome to my world! I have some advice but it may not be appropriate for a blog! HAHA! Sometimes I think it is worse now than it was in High School!

Stacie said...

so true! Of course you know how I feela bout this subject. I agree with Marci, it IS worse than high school. SAD!!